Banking Professional Exam (BPE)

The Banking Professional Exam (BPE) is conducted by the Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh (IBB) to evaluate and certify the knowledge and expertise of banking professionals. The exam is divided into two levels: Junior Associate of the Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh (JAIBB) and Associate of the Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh (AIBB). Successfully passing these exams is essential for career progression in the banking sector, as it signifies a thorough understanding of banking operations, financial principles, and regulatory frameworks.

The Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh (IBB) has been conducting Banking Professional Examinations (Part-I/JAIBB & Part-II/AIBB) across the country since its inception. The syllabus for these examinations encompasses nearly all theoretical and practical aspects of banking that a banker encounters in their daily work. Here, you can find all kinds of posts related to the Banking Professional Exam (BPE), including notices, results, and previous year questions.

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